Serve your community

Be a member and access the community services.

Be the first to know about news, local events and more.

Membership Requirements

There are few requirements to become a member of Tigray Community Colorado. Read them and apply if you qualify.

Tigrayan Heritage

Individuals seeking membership should have Tigrayan heritage or a strong connection to the Tigray.

Membership fees

Pay membership fees or dues may be established to support the association's activities and initiatives.


Members should either reside in Colorado or have a significant connection to the state.

Active Participation

Members are expected to actively participate in association events, meetings, and projects, and contribute to the organization's goals.


Prospective members are required to complete a membership application.

Code of Conduct

Members are required to adhere to Tigray Community Colorado code of conduct that promotes respect, inclusivity, and cooperation within the association.

Be part of a change in the World

An effort made for the happiness of others lifes us above ourselves.

